Rabu, 13 Mei 2015

Another Earth (2011)

Another Earth (2011)

Genre              : Drama, Romance, Sci-fi
Imdb Rating    : 7.0
Director           : Mike Cahill
Stars                : Brit Marling, William Mapother, Matthew-Lee

 “When early explorers first set out West across the Atlantic, most people thought the world was flat. Most people thought if you sailed far enough West, you would drop off a plane into nothing. Those vessels sailing out into the unknown, they weren't carrying noblemen or aristocrats, artists or merchants. They were crewed by people living on the edge of life: the madmen, orphans, ex-convicts, outcasts like myself. As a felon, I'm an unlikely candidate for most things. But perhaps not for this. Perhaps I am the most likely.” ~ Rhoda and Ahmad

            Suatu malam, terdengar kabar bahwa telah ditemukan sebuah planet yang sangat mirip dengan Bumi. Di malam itu pun, Rhoda mengalami kecelakaan mobil yang mengakibatkan seorang anak dan ibunya meninggal seketika. Oleh karena itu dia pun dijebloskan kedalam penjara selama 4 tahun.
            Setelah bebas, Rhoda menjalani hidupnya dengan tekanan rasa bersalah. Lalu dia mengikuti sebuah kompetisi untuk dapat berkunjung ke planet yang baru ditemukan itu, yang dinamakan Earth 2. Hal ini dia lakukan agar dapat mengasingkan diri dan terbebas dari tekanan yang dia rasakan. Teori menyebutkan bahwa planet Earth 2 tersebut, bukan hanya sekedar sangat mirip dengan Bumi, tetapi merupakan memang hasil dari refleksi bumi kita dari zaman dulu kala, yang berarti juga terdapat duplikasi kita di Eart 2 sana.
            Kisah Sci-Fi yang lebih menonjolkan drama tentang perasaan bersalah seorang manusia, yang ingin ia hilangkan, walaupun caranya adalah mengasingkan diri ke planet yang belum diketahui profilnya. Penggabungan sisi drama dengan Sci-fi pada film ini sangat serasi. Eksplorasi science untuk menemukan sesuatu yang baru mungkin juga merupakan suatu pemecahan masalah yang sering muncul pada kehidupan yang mendramatisir. Mungkin kehidupan kita di Bumi ini merupakan skenario dari kita yang sedang menyaksikan dari kejauhan sana. Yang mungkin kita yang sedang berada di kejauhan sana mengetahui segala jalan keluar dari permasalah kita yang berada di Bumi ini.

“You know that story of the Russian cosmonaut?
So, the cosmonaut, He's the first man ever to go into space. Right?
The Russians beat the Americans. So he goes up in this big spaceship, but the only habitable part of it's very small. So the cosmonaut's in there, and he's got this portal window, and he's looking out of it, and he sees the curvature of the Earth for the first time. I mean, the first man to ever look at the planet he's from. And he's lost in that moment. And all of a sudden this strange ticking... Begins coming out of the dashboard. Rips out the control panel, right? Takes out his tools. Trying to find the sound, trying to stop the sound. But he can't find it. He can't stop it. It keeps going. Few hours into this, begins to feel like torture. A few days go by with this sound, and he knows that this small sound... will break him. He'll lose his mind. What's he gonna do? He's up in space, alone, in a space closet. He's got 25 days left to go... with this sound. So the cosmonaut decides... the only way to save his sanity... is to fall in love with this sound. So he closes his eyes... and he goes into his imagination, and then he opens them. He doesn't hear ticking anymore. He hears music. And he spends the sailing through space in total bliss... and peace.” ~ Rhoda and Ahmad

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